Practice areas
Background and Due Diligence Investigations
Integrity is the backbone of success in the global business economy. Each transaction and relationship has the very real potential to tarnish, if not fiscally undermine, years of established success. While some organizations and entities can withstand the potential liability and public embarrassment associated with the ‘lack of diligence,’ the vast majority do not enjoy that luxury.
iVision’s expertise in conducting due diligence and delivering comprehensive background investigations is unmatched in the marketplace. Whether there is interest in a complex business entity and its principals, proposed new management, or a party to be entrusted with capital investment decisions, iVision constructs focused and targeted investigative strategies and employs a wide-range of resources, comprehensively, systematically and in compliance with applicable laws, to triangulate the most relevant issues and information.
There can be no substitute for an independent third-party with no stake in the outcome of the review - to develop a profile of relevant background information before a relationship is consummated or an investment is made.”